About Us
Thanks for stopping in! We like to have visitors, and enjoy showing off our fantastic, amazing and totally wonderful Australian Labradoodle Cobberdogs!
We ~ Luke and Connie Erb and our three young children are the heart and soul of Arrowhead Labradoodles. Our story starts away back when Luke was but a little guy, growing up on a 100 acre farm with his family of animal loving brothers and parents. They bred Siberian Huskies, had a team of dogs and a sled that made good use of the snowmobile trails round about the county. Dogs have always been a big part of Luke’s life!
One day our paths crossed and I decided to join him on his path. Luke taught and is teaching me the beauty of dogs and the delicate nature of breeding quality dogs. So much research must be put into a Labradoodle breeder program to make it work to forward the Labradoodle breed.

Soon after our marriage Luke discovered the Labradoodle, we had no knowledge of the Australian at this point but were interested in and enjoyed the perky loving personalities of the early generation American Labradoodles. We purchased our first toy and miniature Poodles from a breeder in the USA. Flame, Jack and Domino. These boys are still with us and are loyal family friends. We also purchased a CKC chocolate Lab named Chocolate. {she has retired} For about two years we were content breeding these early generation dogs.
Luke really wanted to move into breeding a dog that would be consistent with no throw-backs, and that we could be confident would not shed. A purpose bred dog was the heart cry! So he kept poking around on line, and one day we found it! Australian Labradoodles!! Luke was EXCITED! Bred for a purpose, therapy and guide dogs. Breeding towards being a dog club recognized breed. Most important non shed low dander shed and family friendly as by this time our oldest Taregan was on his way to join us as well. Now the study started in earnest! We found bloodlines that we could trace back to the founders in a girl named Bree, who we fell in love with at first visit! She soon joined us here and her first litter was with Pluto, a sable Poodle. We still were not content as we wanted to breed the REAL Australian Labradoodle!
Soon after Bree’s first litter we were on a mission to find her a boyfriend of traceable linage and good looks and health. It was long and interesting journey that led us to Tucker! Tucker moved to us from Australia in 2008. What a handsome boy!! So gentle in temperament and between Bree and Tucker made fabulous puppies! We have reserved 7 breeding girls from these mating’s and each of the girls has been a wonderful addition to our canine family.

Luke was still reading/studying late nights to learn all he could about this incredible breed that has captured us and our children! What he found was one more piece to our journey! Beverly Manners, co-founder of this wonderful breed had made one last infusion, the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier! Luke LOVES what this infusion has done for the breed and wanted to follow Beverly in adding this infusion to our program. In 2009 Luke flew to Ireland and brought home our very own Bobbi (Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier) to love! He is a gem and so easy to love! He has made friends with everyone who comes out to visit and pick puppies.
Bree and Bobbi had their first litter together in 2011. Beverly has been a great help in advice and support in this addition and we were PLEASED with the outcome of a Wheaten infusion! Beautiful coats and the adoptive families have reported back to LOVING the temperaments, although they do need a firm and consistent hand in that first year to establish leader/follower relationship!
Our story is not finished, we intend to push on learning and bettering our program, both for the fun and satisfaction that we get from breeding this wonderful Labradoodle breed and also for you. We want to provide for you the best, healthiest and most handsome easy to care for puppy that this breed can offer. We have made many friends that we hope to keep for a lifetime both in other breeders and adoptive families. We are totally enjoying the ride!
Amongst the five of us we all have our favorite things to do, Luke is our Labradoodle Breeder, technician, research manager and all around brain! He is also head of the stoop and scoop department – He calls it relaxing! GRIN!
Connie enjoys answering the phone, chatting with customers and answering e-mails, taking puppy pictures and stocking the gift shop. Connie’s is the voice you will most likely hear if you call with questions!
Taregan enjoys having families come look at our puppies and likes to help make sure that the puppies stay where you can play with them. He is in training in the stoop and scoop department and would like if it would involve a tractor or two, perhaps the lawn mower??
Rayna is taking over as head of the socialization department and spends hours rocking and singing to each and everyone of our puppies! Rayna is also learning to help out in the photo studio with calming the puppies and getting them to look and sit still and smile when it is their turn.
Talia is the youngest and is mostly a puppy herself and so she gets the opportunity to be mostly cute and gives snuggles now and then! She shows a natural love for dogs and so will be a big help in a couple of years!!
We would enjoy showing you around our place and introducing you to our dogs and puppies! ‘Tis a nice drive in the country and lots of great scenery along the way!
Hope to see you, Luke and Connie Taregan Rayna and Talia Erb
P.S It is now 2018 and I hate to delete any of the above story, so I will add to it the changes these past 6 years have made.
We have grown by adding more adults to our Labradoodle family, having more puppies each year. This year we have added a brand new state of the art breeding and research facility. We have created a nursery that any dog would drool over! GRIN! We are enjoying very much the up to date security features and the comfort that it provides for each of our incredible Labradoodle moms! This building has also made the puppy play dates and training classes so much fun! Lots of space for all. Grooming room and bath facility are just the ticket!! Our groomers love it!!
Our annual romp has become a favorite day for families who have adopted a puppy from us to come out and have a puppy reunion. We love seeing everyone and it helps Luke guide the program to better places as he watches how all the bloodlines are developing! Lots of good food and wonderful friends.
We have also added to the human family! We are so very blessed!
Taregan loves to help manage the comings and goings. He has grown up so much. His personal doodle is Mimi.
Rayna is still head of the socialization department and as such gets to guide many of our adoptive families in choosing a pup as she knows each pup as an individual and loves to chat with everyone who comes to visit. Rayna is also learning how to help out with all the microchip paperwork. Rayna’s personal Doodle is Lady Rena
Talia is also a huge part of the socialization team, she loves to cuddle and play. She is a thinker and so the puppies help her think! GRIN! She likes to take the puppies on walks to help them learn good manners and tries to train them to sit and basic commands. Talia’s personal favorite is Remington
Quinn has joined the troops. He is a fun loving little man and has a huge heart for the puppies, he esp. loves the wee ones and will climb right into the whelping box to pat mom and snuggle puppies! He likes to be around when picture day comes… Lots of help running after the ones who like to play and get carried away.
Ava is our newest human puppy now! She loves to watch and babble at the Labradoodle crew as they go about barking and playing!
We love this life we have been given and are excited to have you join our Labradoodle family!
Our Adoptive Families Speak…
This puppy is out of this world. Whatever you are doing with your dogs is amazing!
We love her so much that we can’t imagine how we did without her until now. Everywhere we go, people stop and comment on how adorable she is. We tell everyone about you and the services you have provided. The vet commented on the great care that you obviously gave her from her coat, to her personality and everything else from nose to tail.
Yup…we’re guilty as charged for bragging but hey, we are proud owners of, what I would say, is the cutest, most loving and playful labradoodle pup ever!!! I can’t get over how much joy “Copper” brings to our family!!! Everyone needs a labradoodle!!!