Pricing & Payment
What You Need to Know
Arrowhead, Pricing & Payment
We accept e transfers!
Arrowhead requires a non refundable deposit of $500 to reserve your puppy. Puppies will be chosen by you at 9 weeks of age, at our state of art Australian Labradoodle/Cobberdog Kennel/House, in the order that we receive the deposits. You will also take your puppy home on this day! The excitement and fun of this day is wonderful!
Arrowhead Labradoodles pricing and payment options include:
Certified checks payable to Arrowhead Labradoodles.
Direct transfer/E-mail transfer to

Included in the price of each Arrowhead Cobberdog puppy:
- Revolution for heart worm, ticks and fleas
- A toy, blanket to ease transitional stress.
- Collar, small enough to fit perfectly!
- Sample Nu Vet Plus Vitamins
- Code to get $5.00 off first order of 4 Strong Paws dog food
- Probiotic and pumpkin to ease transitional stress
- Up to date on shots
- A health certificate, with all procedures recorded
- De-wormed twice
- Micro chipped, We register the pup for you
- Three year health guarantee
- Freshly Shampooed ~ MMM love that puppy smell
- Baxter and Bella discount code ~ AL52 ~ BEST on line training support program ever.
- A lifetime of support!
Each Labradoodle puppy also receives hours of interaction and socialization, with children, adults and other dogs, while it is living with us during the first 9 weeks of it’s life. Our Cobberdog/Australian Labradoodle puppies are all introduced to a wide variety of smells sounds, people and textures! Each one is taken for a car ride and is the star of the show in our bi-weekly photo session!
After the Australian Labradoodle puppies turn two weeks old we up date our site with new pictures of each Labradoodle puppy bi – weekly, this way you are in the front seat to watch your pup learn and grow! We love our Australian Labradoodle/Cobberdog puppies and we want to give you the BEST experience that we can
We provide IN house training! ~ See the Adoption Training Page for full details.
Australian Labradoodle/Cobberdog:
Miniature Cobberdog Puppies 16-30lbs ~
Medium Cobberdog Puppies 30-50lbs ~
Prices are specified with each litter on either the future litter page or the puppies available page. If the pup has had training or extra imprint, this will be reflected in the puppies price. Please check each puppies profile to see individual prices.