Annie's Puppies
Pick Date:
July 6 -
Adoption Date
August 3
Meet Annie and Chilli’s adorable puppies! There are three females and one male. All healthy and doing very well! They were born on June 03, 2019, and have stolen our hearts already! They will mature as miniature, 15-20lbs, standing about 14in tall. They are non shed and low dander shed, making them hypoallergenic.
All of the Labradoodle puppies at Arrowhead go home with:
- First shots and worming, ticks and fleas looked after
- Our 3-year health guarantee
- They are spay / neutered for you
- They will have a microchip
- A nice go-home comfort kit
- Pedigree and registered with the MDBA.
On puppy pick up day there will be a puppy class taught by a certified puppy trainer to give you tips on how to get started!
All puppies in this litter are $3375.00 taxes included.