This beautiful girl is Ember, she is as sweet tempered as her face is beautiful! We are super ex cited to meet her first Cobberdog puppies early in Jan of ’25. Planning Cobberdog puppy litters takes lots of energy, making sure we get it just right!

Jade, is a twin sister to Ember and she is so incredibly sweet. She is such an old soul, Looking into your eyes and loving you. We are planning Cobberdog puppy litters, and this girl is on top of the list! We are looking forward to meeting her first litter early ’25

Planning Cobberdog puppy litters, may seem like it should be an easy and quick part of being a Cobberdog breeder. BUT, I am here to tell you that it takes more planning and thinking and research than what meets the eye. You, the families get to come visit our farm and choose your Cobberdog pup, with nary a thought of this behind the scenes process. We are happy to do this for you, so don’t feel bad:}
So many things play into choosing mates, Health of the parent Cobberdogs and temperaments come as #1 and that is followed by color and other things like that that are a fun part of Cobberdog puppies but are not essential in any way. This is because the health and temperament plays directly into the health and temperament of the pup you will choose as a lifetime campion. None of us want to see our Cobberdogs in pain and this is why we have all the testing done on our parent Cobberdogs, and have the results posted for you to see on their individual pages. To adopt a pup where you do not know parentage or health results is a risky business. Arrowhead Cobberdog breeders pleads the pack when it comes to testing and the openness of sharing that information with prospective adoptive puppy parents. Luke spends lots of time comparing health testing results of parent Cobberdogs, before mating to be sure we are doing everything we can to provide healthy puppies.
Choosing tempereanets of parent Cobberdogs is critical as well. Choosing two that both have super quiet personalities with create a pup that is too quiet to be confident, many times. Choosing the most out going for both parent is also a recipe for excitable and more energy than we prefer in the Cobberdog Breed. So we choose well balanced adults, that are happy, confident and loving. Trying to pair more active ones with more calm ones, always striving for the perfect mix of energy and confident calm. It is a fun and rewarding experience to watch so many of Arrowheads puppies live lives of service and love.
Last comes the piece that you see first as you walk thru our doors and catch your first glimpse of the Cobberdog puppies you have been watching to grow and dreaming about for so long. Colors, and size.. Yes, for you this is probably the part of breeding Cobberdog litters, that you have put the most thought into and I am fine with that, but rest assured while you enjoy the perfect size and color of Cobberdog pup, Arrowhead and namely Luke has put a ton of time and research into what is hidden under that super soft coat and darling face!!
We all have Luke to thank as he continues to do what he loves, planning Cobberdog litters to be the best they can be!